Our mission at Pikeside is to make disciples for Jesus Christ.

    We call on others to prayerfully RECEIVE Him as Lord and Savior,

    REFLECT His likeness and His love,

    and RESPOND to the spiritual and physical needs of others.

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    Sunday Morning Worshp 8:30 & 10:45 A.M.

    Sunday School (All Ages) 9:35 A.M.

    Youth Group 6-12 Grade - Wednesdays 6 P.M.

    Staffed Nursery (Ages Newborn-3) 9:35-Noon each Sunday




    Ways to Give

    Tithe.ly — Please click on the Donate Button to support Pikeside through online giving. It's easy & secure. Giving digitally allows you to give a single gift, schedule recurring giving, or give during a specific event.

    Send A Check — Make checks payable to: Pikeside, 25 Paynes Ford Road, Martinsburg WV 25405

    In-Person — During the Offering Moment at any of our Worship Services or at other events.


    ***For event or service cancellations & updates, please view the church calendar ***

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    Organ Concert

    Saturday, March 22, @ 11:00 a.m.

    The Pikeside Church Missions Team invites you to an organ concert featuring Mr. Larry Angus on Saturday, March 22, at 11:00 a.m. This
    concert is free and open to the public, however, monetary donations will
    be collected to benefit "Kidz Power Pacs,” a vital feeding ministry for
    school aged children and youth in Berkley County.

    A light luncheon will follow the concert for attendees.

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    Unity Service

    March 30, 2025 @ 10:15 a.m.

    Pikeside in Martinsburg, WV, invites our entire community to join us as we worship on Sunday, March 30, with a special Unity Service. This single service at 10:15 a.m. will feature dynamic music, worship, praise, and fellowship. As an additional note, Sunday School for all ages will be at 9:00 a.m. Following the worship service, there will be a time of fellowship for all in attendance.

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    Palm Sunday Unity Worship & Cantata

    Sunday; April 13, 2025 @ 10:15 a.m.

    Pikeside begins Holy Week on Palm Sunday, April 13, with a special Unity Service and Easter Cantata at 10:15. Our cantata selection for this year is titled “Eyes of Faith - Seeing and Believing the Messiah,” which engages all of the senses as worshippers understand the powerfully personal story of Christ's death and resurrection through the eyes of faith.

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    2025 Spring Rummage Sale

    Friday, April 25 - 8AM-7PM & Saturday, April 26 – 8AM-2PM.

    Pikeside in Martinsburg WV will hold a church rummage sale on Friday; April 25 8AM-7PM and Saturday, April 26 8AM-2PM.

    Cash, Credit & Debit Cards will be accepted.

    Vendor Day - Saturday Only: Calling all vendors! On Saturday, April 26th (8AM-2PM), we are welcoming vendors of all kinds. Whether you are looking to sell items from your own yard sale, showcase your crafts, or promote direct sales products, we welcome you to join us. Please RSVP by contacting the church office. The cost is $35, due on the day of setup. Do not miss this opportunity to connect with our community and showcase your goods! All proceeds from this event will benefit local Berkeley County children's ministries such as Operation Christmas Child, Berkeley County Schools, Kidz Power Pacs, and Board of Child Care and More.

    Please - No Early Bird Shoppers!

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    Pikeside Youth

    The mission of the Pikeside Youth Ministry is to help teens in our community establish and grow a relationship with God.

    Our goal is to meet young people where they are (during the stresses of school work, athletics, extracurriculars and everything else that’s a part of growing up), to lift them up and encourage them through faith and with fellowship. Teens are equipped with practical, authentic, and passionate teachings that will be relevant to them pursuing and living a daily relationship with God. It is important to not only talk about ethereal things (God’s presence, how great God is, heaven, etc.), but to also talk about and model how to pursue righteousness and be a person of God in practical terms.

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    Ladies Breakfast Bunch

    Monthly, Every Second Saturday at 8:30AM

    Pikeside Fellowship Hall

    This is a Jesus-focused, relaxed gathering of girls and women of all ages who share breakfast, a devotional and prayer time, "getting to know you" activities, a card ministry and outreach ministries serve to make this sisterhood special.

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    Men's Prayer Breakfast & Ministry

    Monthly, Every Second Saturday, 8AM

    Pikeside Fellowship Hall

    This group exists to declare the centrality of Christ in every man’s life. Men’s ministry leads to the spiritual growth of men and effective discipleship. This purpose is served as men are called to model the servant leadership of Jesus Christ. Our men meet for breakfast, Bible Study and general business.

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    First Friday Drive-Thru

    First Friday Drive-thru

    The Pikeside's Men Ministry hosts a monthly take-out dinner on the first Friday of each month at 4pm (until sold out). After pulling into the parking lot of the church, a member of our Men's Ministry will take your order and deliver packaged dinners to your car. Then you can take them home to enjoy them with your family in the comfort of your own home. All proceeds from this dinner will support the Pikeside Men's Ministry as we work to help our Scouting Ministries & Community.

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    Offering Awesome Kindness (to/from) Seniors

    (A Pikeside Ministry for Seniors by Seniors)

    The purpose of OAKS will be to provide a comprehensive ministry that continues to reach Senior Adults, to enhance their lives, to encourage them to grow in the Lord with all of their heart, mind, soul and strength. The assumption behind the ministry is it exists for the purpose of serving, not being served; of giving, not receiving.

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    Prayer Shawl Ministry

    This ministry creates warm and cozy wraps representing the love of God and those that give it. We pray a blessing over them before the shawl is given, asking for God’s hand of healing on the recipient. The recipient does not need to be a member of our church, we reach out to all who need to know they are not alone—man, woman, or child. We also make “Chemo Caps” to keep the heads of chemotherapy patients warm. Contact the church office if you know of someone in need of these blessings or if you would like to volunteer for this ministry.

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    Widow & Single Ladies Ministry

    Ladies who have lost a loved one or live alone who would like to join a monthly fellowship luncheon and activity, please contact the church office to be added to our growing list of friends.

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    Distinguished Gentlemen's Association

    a.k.a. Pikeside Geezers Association (PGA)

    The PGA is just a bunch of old guys, loving the Lord, talking nonsense, and having a good time, trying to remember what we used to do and how we did it. We meet monthly for lunch and conversation. Please contact the church office for details.

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    Cub Scout Pack 29 & BSA Troop 29

    Girl Scouts of America

    Pikeside has 3 exceptional Scout Troops which meet weekly. Please check the church calendar for each group's meeting times and contact the Church office for contact information

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    The Compassionate Friends

    Supporting parents, adult sibling, & grandparents after the loss of a loved one.

    TCF is a support group for bereaved parents, adult siblings and grandparents. A safe place to share their grief with people who truly understand, learn coping skills, and develop friendships that can help you along the most difficult journey of your life. You need not walk alone. If you require support from this vital ministry, please email: martinsburgtcf@gmail.com or call the church office.


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    Pastor Bill Ball

    Pastor Bill answered the call into full time ministry after retiring from AT&T and has served Pikeside since 2017. Pastor Bill and his wife, Dawn, have been happily married for 27 years. They are excited for what God has in store for their ministry together and for Pikeside. Our Church Family works together to serve Christ through missions and ministry.
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    Don't be afraid to reach out. We want to hear from you!

    25 Paynes Ford Road
    Martinsburg, WV 25405
    Church Office is open 9-12 on Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday.
    (304) 263-4633

    Click "Directions" below to find us using Google Maps!


    Let's talk! Check out our Facebook page.

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    (304) 263-4633


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    Pikeside UMC